Handling savegames

  • Dump decrypted savesgames using Apollo PS4:
    • Select "HDD Saves".
    • Select savegame to edit.
    • Select "Export save-game files".
  • Apollo also contains premade savegame patches and downloadable savegames for an increasing number of games.
    If these are sufficient for you, you will be happy with Apollo alone 😀
  • Alternatively, you can use ctn123's PlayStation 4 Save Mounter which runs on PC directly and requires the included ps4debug payload.
    • This tool will most likely not be continued by its developer.
  • FTP into your PS4, navigate to /data/apollo/<yourUserID>/CUSAXXXXX, copy the savegame to your PC.
  • Load the savegame into the respective editor, edit to your liking, click the Save button at the top, save the result.
  • On the FTP, delete the existing file, upload your edited savegame (or overwrite).
  • Back in Apollo:
    • Select same savegame again.
    • Select "Import decrypted save files".
    • Add the file(s) you edited, one per Import.
    • Once all files are added, select "Apply Changes & Resign".
  • Make sure you exit Apollo by using O button on the controller until you can quit, otherwise your savegames might get corrupted.

Other tools/editors

  • Kingdom Save Editor - Editor for all Kingdom Hearts games, FF7 Remake, Persona 5
  • FFXED - Final Fantasy X (HD?) Editor
  • Save Editor Online - for a variety of games including partial Unreal Engine savegame support
  • GVAS Converter - convert Unreal Engine savegames to JSON (but not back)


Miss a game? Miss functions for a game?
If you created a whole editor or actually implemented corrections - file a Pull Request
If you have new offsets or corrections for a game - mention them along with the affected CUSAxxxxx ID in a new Issue
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